

The 2024 Election and the Rise of Cryptocurrency: A Pivotal Issue for Voters

August 21, 2024

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential election, a new and unexpected issue is emerging as a potential game-changer: cryptocurrency. No longer a niche topic confined to tech enthusiasts, digital assets have entered the mainstream, influencing voter behavior and forcing political candidates to take a stance. This post will explore how cryptocurrency could shape the 2024 election, particularly among swing voters, and how the major political parties are addressing this growing issue.

Cryptocurrencies can play a pivotal role during this current US election

Cryptocurrency: A Key Issue in Battleground States

Cryptocurrency has the potential to play a pivotal role in the 2024 election, particularly in swaying swing voters who are passionate about digital assets. These voters, scattered across key battleground states, are increasingly becoming a focus for political strategists. The Republican and Democratic parties have both recognised the need to publicly address cryptocurrency-related issues to secure these votes.

The Complexity of Voter Preferences

Understanding the crypto-voter demographic is complex. While many of these voters align with Democrats on broader social and economic issues, they often view Republicans as stronger advocates for the crypto industry. Recent surveys add another layer of complexity, showing that more Democrats than Republicans own cryptocurrency. This shift suggests that crypto ownership is becoming more mainstream, attracting diverse political affiliations, not just the traditionally libertarian or conservative base.

The Republican Party’s Crypto Platform

Under the influence of Donald Trump, the Republican Party has updated its policy platform to strongly support cryptocurrencies. The platform criticizes the Biden administration’s regulatory approach, pledging to end what it describes as an “unlawful” crackdown on crypto. The Republicans also oppose the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and emphasize the protection of Bitcoin mining and the right to self-custody digital assets without government interference. 

Donald Trump announced firing SEC Chair Gary Gensler at Bitcoin2024 Nashville

Trump has made pro-crypto sentiments a staple of his campaign, promising to implement favorable policies if re-elected. His proposals include increasing electricity production to support Bitcoin mining, firing SEC Chair Gary Gensler, and creating a Bitcoin and crypto advisory council. His running mate, JD Vance, a U.S. Senator known for his pro-crypto stance, reinforces this commitment. Elected on a pro-crypto platform, he has been a vocal critic of President Biden’s stance on crypto. Vance, a venture capitalist with significant crypto holdings, adds to the ticket’s pro-crypto positioning. Trump’s supporters, including Senators Cynthia Lummis and Tim Scott, are actively pushing new crypto legislation in Congress to establish clearer regulations and enhance consumer protections. Their bipartisan efforts aim to establish clearer regulations, enhance consumer protections, and foster innovation within the crypto space. 

This legislative push could significantly shape the future of U.S. crypto regulation. Lummis has even hinted at creating a U.S. strategic reserve of Bitcoin. Additionally, influential Silicon Valley investors and crypto advocates, like Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, have reportedly pledged substantial financial support to Trump’s campaign, along with other prominent figures in the crypto community.

The Democratic Party’s Evolving Stance

The Democratic Party’s approach to cryptocurrency has seen a notable shift. Initially characterized by a cautious and regulation-heavy approach under the Biden administration, there are signs of a potential change, particularly through Vice President Kamala Harris. While the Biden administration, influenced by figures like Senator Elizabeth Warren and SEC Chair Gary Gensler, has taken a strict regulatory stance, Harris has maintained a more neutral position. This could indicate an openness to a more balanced regulatory framework that encourages innovation while ensuring consumer protection. 

Harris’s ties to Silicon Valley and her history of engagement with technology companies suggest she might advocate for policies that foster innovation in the crypto space. Harris’s choice for Vice President, Tim Walz, reportedly has no personal investments in crypto but has called for clearer U.S. crypto policies. David Plouffe, a former member of the global advisory board of Binance, has joined Harris’s team, signaling a potential shift in the Democratic approach to crypto. Influential figures like billionaire Mark Cuban have noted Harris’s team’s growing interest in crypto-related issues, suggesting a different regulatory approach in a Harris administration. 

However, Harris is reportedly collaborating with Brian Deese and Bharat Ramamurti, two former economic advisers to the Biden administration who strongly criticized the Clarity for Payment Stablecoins Act of 2023. Could the selection of these economic advisers suggest that Harris may intend to continue the Biden administration’s tough regulatory stance on cryptocurrency? Harris’s apparent willingness to engage with the crypto community suggests a possible shift toward more supportive and inclusive cryptocurrency policies. Her more moderate views on technology regulation could pave the way for a shift that fosters innovation while protecting consumers. This evolving stance could redefine the Democratic Party’s approach to digital assets, promoting a more inclusive financial ecosystem.

The Bipartisan Interest in Cryptocurrency

The growing bipartisan interest in cryptocurrency is one of the most significant developments leading up to the 2024 election. While Republicans have traditionally been more supportive of crypto, Democrats are beginning to recognize its potential benefits, particularly in areas like financial inclusion and innovation. This bipartisan engagement suggests that crypto policy could become a central issue in future legislative discussions.

The Future of Crypto in U.S. Politics

The cryptocurrency community is largely optimistic about a potential Trump presidency, expecting it to lead to a more favorable regulatory environment for the industry. This expectation is bolstered by the Republican Party’s recent pro-Bitcoin stance, contributing to positive sentiment within the crypto markets. While Kamala Harris might continue the Biden administration’s strict regulatory approach to cryptocurrency, her relatively neutral stance leaves room for potential change. Harris could create a more supportive environment for the U.S. cryptocurrency industry if elected president, offering a reset for crypto policy. Although the exact policy directions remain to be seen, Harris’s openness to innovation suggests a possible shift toward more business-friendly crypto regulations.

As cryptocurrency continues to gain prominence, its role in the 2024 election could be decisive. Both major political parties are increasingly engaging with crypto-related issues, reflecting the growing importance of digital assets in the political landscape. For swing voters passionate about cryptocurrency, the stance of each candidate on this issue could be a determining factor in who they ultimately support. Whether through Trump’s promises of a favorable regulatory environment or Harris’s potential for a more balanced approach, the future of cryptocurrency in U.S. politics is shaping up to be a key issue in the upcoming election.



Harmesh Johal, MBA.

Chief Strategy Officer, Luna Media Corporation

Harmesh Johal currently serves as the Chief Strategy Officer at Luna Media Corporation. Possessing a distinguished academic background, he holds a joint honors degree in International Relations and Political Science, complemented by a Master in Business Administration (MBA). With a wealth of professional experience, he has successfully worked with the United States Government and Fortune 500 companies across diverse regions, including Europe, Asia, and North America.

His expertise extends to the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, where he explores the intricate intersection between digital assets and government entities. He dedicates himself to the examination of laws and regulations surrounding the crypto space, contributing significantly to the discourse on global adoption trends.